
ECE 595se: Advanced Software Engineering, Graduate Teaching Assistant

Graduate course, Purdue University, ECE Department, 2021

This is a graduate course in software engineering (se) where students form teams of 3-5 and work on a software engineering project. There are lectures about various topics in se. My tasks were to prepare and grade homeworks/labs/presentations/projects, help the students in refining and developing their projects, and hold weekly during office hours for help with debugging.

ECE 270: Digital Systems Design, Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate course, Purdue University, ECE Department, 2019

Students in this course use verilog (HDL) to design and test digital circuits on programmable logic devices. My role was to conduct one lab session per week, give demonstrations of key concepts, answer questions during lab/office hours, and grade weekly homeworks and lab assignments of students.

PHYS 172: Modern Mechanics, Laboratory Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate course, Purdue University, Physics Department, 2018

Students in this course use vPython to model 3-D graphical simulations of mechanical phenomena. My role as a teaching assistant was to help students debug their code, answer conceptual doubts, and grade lab assignments.